Before I continue ... you may or may not have realised this is a lesser climbing themed blog. We have to take a little break sometime eh???
In true Halloween spirit (which we know is all just a load of commercial crap) we spent lots of money on costumes (conforming to the whole ethic of the commercial crap) and hit the town ... (spending more hard earned cash on even more commercial crap). Fun, fun, fun.
My costume consisted of very cheap black boots (which i destroyed prior to wearing), a very cheap black shirt (which I also destroyed prior to wearing) and a pair of lovely cheap black combats (also destroyed...wait for it...prior to wearing. Aniticpation is great eh?!) Amongst all the very cheap black stuff, there was a shed load of fake blood, an equal amount of crap face paint, a whole load of fake barbed wire, some expensive latex false wounds and a proper good, reet expensive latex mask.
The product of which surmounted to this...

And this... (without the mask & with a certain Mr. S. Joyce)

...and the fake gashes on my nipple and arm...

Overall...a good night all round. Filled with with lots of people screaming (in surprise and/or fear and/or disgust), lots of people staring (for all of the above) and lots of being VERY BLOODY HOT under a full latex head mask. The taxi drivers, general public, paramedics AND police ALL seemed to have a giggle and a scream at my expense?! Surprising ... I think not.
Back on it again tomorrow, training like a demon for one more week before a full week of NO CLIMBING (a concept i'm still struggling to come to terms with!) due to a break in my training regime...apparently it's going to make me stronger. It better bloody had.
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